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Peer Health Educators for 2023-2024
Internship Opportunity
Hey Pre-Pharmers, hope you're studying for your finals well! Just wanted to let all of you know of this amazing opportunity that could definitely boost your application, as well as offer great...
Posted: May 3, 2023, 10:37 AM
Pre-Allied Social TODAY!
Hello Pre-Pharmers! Today is our upcoming annual pre-allied social, in collaboration with Pre-PA society, Pre-Optometry society, Pre-Pharmacy, Pre-Dental, and Pre-PT. Join us for an exciting...
Posted: April 25, 2023, 10:32 AM
Tomorrow (4/19) Chat 1:1 on Webex with the GWU PT Program!
Hi Pre-PT Society! I wanted to plug the 3rd Annual Allied Health Symposium that will be happening TOMORROW from 12-2pm. The first hour may be of interest to students who are still trying to...
Posted: April 18, 2023, 9:59 PM
Allied Health Symposium
Don't Miss It!
Tomorrow is the day! Join us for our 3rd Annual Allied Health Symposium. This is a great opportunity to learn about allied health pathways and to speak directly with program representatives who...
Posted: April 18, 2023, 2:28 PM
EHS Graduate Seminar Speaker Series - 4/12/23 Haley Bast
EHS Graduate Seminar Series featuring Haley Bast, NRP 4/12
Please join us for the EHS Graduate Seminar Series featuring Haley Bast, NRP from 3PM-5PM tomorrow Wednesday April 12. Haley will be discussing Career Development Following Graduation as well as a...
Posted: April 11, 2023, 11:39 AM
EHS Graduate Seminar Speaker Series - Dr. Abigail Eichorn
Dr. Abigail Eichorn - FEMA, Branch Chief
Please join us tomorrow, Wednesday April 5TH from 3-5PM for the EHS Graduate Speaker Seminar Series via Webex. Our speaker this week is Dr. Abigail Eichorn, FEMA, Branch Chief, Operations...
Posted: April 4, 2023, 5:25 PM
4th GBM
Friday March 31st, VIRTUAL
Hey Pre-pharmers! Just a quick reminder for the upcoming general board meeting. Our fourth GBM will be held Friday, March 31st, from 12-12:50 pm via ZOOM. This week's guest speakers are...
Posted: March 29, 2023, 2:22 PM
3rd Annual Allied Health Symposium
Make sure you register for the 3rd Annual Allied Health Symposium. Here is the Registration Link: ...
Posted: March 15, 2023, 1:18 PM
EHS Graduate Seminar Speaker Series - Raphael Barishansky
Intersection of EHS & Public Health
Please join us tomorrow Wednesday March 15th from 3-5PM in the EHS Conference Room in Sherman Hall or via Webex for a discussion with Dr. Ray Barishansky about the intersection between Emergency...
Posted: March 14, 2023, 1:21 PM
Welcome Allied Health Students!
Hello Allied Health students! We created this group for you to stay updated on useful information regarding allied health pathways at UMBC and beyond. We'll be promoting useful events, information...
Posted: March 10, 2023, 10:13 AM

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