What is Allied Health?
Allied Health professionals are involved with the delivery of health or related services pertaining to the identification, evaluation and prevention of diseases and disorders; dietary and nutrition services; rehabilitation and health systems management, among others. Allied health professionals, to name a few, include dental hygienists, diagnostic medical sonographers, medical technologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, radiographers, respiratory therapists, and speech language pathologists. Allied health encompasses a broad group of health professionals who use scientific principles and evidence-based practice for the diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of acute and chronic diseases; promote disease prevention and wellness for optimum health, and apply administration and management skills to support health care systems in a variety of settings. (Source: asahp.org)
How do I pursue Allied Health at UMBC?
At most undergraduate colleges, including UMBC, “Pre-Allied Health” pathways are not majors, they are career interest areas. UMBC does not have allied health degrees, however, the undergraduate courses at UMBC help to prepare students for entry into allied health programs. Upon completion of prerequisite courses in their respective area, and oftentimes a bachelor’s degree, successful students can apply to a graduate or professional degree in the allied health field of their choice.