
UMBC Athletics Sports Medicine Internship Program

Join our internship program to have the opportunity to work with our athletic training staff, physical therapists, and sports performance coaches on the field and in the clinic.

Pre-PharmD Summer Boot Camp

The FREE Pharmacy Summer Boot Camp is a 4-day program designed to introduce students to the world of pharmacy. This informative program will allow you to explore the field of pharmacy to better consider if this is the career path you have been dreaming of so you can plan your future college studies and gear up to applying once you have completed our 67 pre-pharmacy college prerequisite credits

The Jefferson College of Rehabilitation Sciences at Thomas Jefferson University

STEP-UP is an academic enrichment program for students who are interested in attending graduate school for occupational therapy, physical therapy, athletic training or speech-language pathology and who are traditionally underrepresented in these disciplines and in the health professions. STEP-UP helps students become competitive applicants to graduate school and provides a clearer understanding of the expectations and roles of both graduate students and professionals in  rehabilitation science field

Peer Health Educator

The Office of Health Promotion is recruiting peer health educators for the 2023-2024 academic year to support our UMBC community!  The Peer Health Education Program is an unpaid internship offered through the Career Center. Students who participate can earn PRAC Internship credit and a nationally recognized peer educator certification. This is an excellent opportunity for students to gain skills in leadership, public speaking, and interpersonal communication. Undergraduate and graduate students from any academic background attending UMBC/s main campus are welcome to apply.

Virginia Commonwealth University Summer Academic Enrichment Program (SAEP)

SAEP is a six-week summer program that simulates the first-year of dentistry, medicine, pharmacy or physical therapy professional school instruction. Participants take academically intensive instruction in each of their chosen tracks in addition to non-credit core-coursework in virtual anatomy (head and neck), pharmacology and physiology. SAEP participants attend learning skills and test-taking workshops, mock interviews, professionalism seminars, current health care topics, coaching and community service activities in an interprofessional framework.


Gross Anatomy Workshop at UMES

The University of Maryland Eastern Shore’s Department of Physical Therapy hosts an annual summer gross anatomy workshop for future physical therapy, physician assistant, medical, osteopathic and dental students. This is a great opportunity for those students headed for medical, DO, physical therapy, physician assistant, and dental school in the fall.


UMASS Chan Medical School Summer Enrichment Program

The College Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) is a tuition-free four-week residential program for undergraduate sophomores and juniors interested in entering the health professions. The program includes enrichment classes to enhance participants academic and communication skills.  The SEP offers participants the opportunity to interact with medical students, scientists, physicians, and other healthcare professionals. Optional weekend observations in the Emergency Department are provided. Upon successful completion of the program, each participant is awarded a Certificate of Achievement and a stipend.