Public Policy vs. Public Administration
Superman vs. Batman for EMS
Graduate Seminar: 12/6/2017
SPEAKER: Professor Diane Flint
TOPIC: Public Policy vs. Public Administration
SPEAKER: Professor Diane Flint
TOPIC: Public Policy vs. Public Administration
To cap off this semester's informative and intriguing EHS seminar presentations and discussions, tomorrow's final seminar is being led by
our own EHS Professor Diane Flint, who will be talking about public policy vs
public administration, and how they affect EMS and health care at large.
- How
does policy affect implementation?
- How does administration affect policy?
- How can we work with both to obtain the best outcomes for our public?
Wednesday, December 5, 2017 in Sherman Hall Rm 305, 3:00pm - 5:00pm.
As always, if you want to view remotely and don't know how, please contact Kara Buckmaster for assistance (by 2:30pm, 12/05/17 please).
Posted: December 5, 2017, 12:17 PM