EHS Graduate Seminar 10/11/17
Disaster Recovery Doctrine; Origins, Strengths, Limitations
Disaster recovery doctrine; where it came from, why it’s good, and...what its limitations are.
Speaker: Jennifer Grey
More and more, it's Emergency Health Services former graduate students we
turn to for up-to-date expertise. Last week it was Diane Flint, PhD candidate
and full-time EHS undergrad program director and instructor. This week it's our
very own Jenn Ryan, currently a PhD candidate and full-time state-level
emergency manager and part-time instructor in our graduate program.
Jenn is a dynamic speaker with lots of government Emergency Management (EM) experience, and loves to get thoughtful and probing questions during her talks. By the way, I really like this topic, as one who has tried to base my conclusions on evidence rather than doctrine...often to find that we still lack in good evidence for much of what we consider to be "true".
Be there, whether in person or online! Wednesday, October 11, 2017 from 3-5pm. Please contact Kara Buckmaster before 2:15 pm on Wednesday if you think you will need help logging in.
Posted: October 10, 2017, 9:54 AM